Susie Steiner

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My highschool graduation

I married my highschool sweetheart. I chose adventure, travel and a sensitive soul when I said yes. 20 years later I choose him again. It hasn’t been easy with all the distractions and stress life can throw. We aren’t the same people but we continue to choose each other and connect and that is our glue. 

Our wedding day, Sept 5 1998

Seven apartments/houses later, 4 children, 4 dogs, 5 bunnies, a turtle, 2 lizards, a bunch of fish and chickens are a part of our family. The children are highlights of our lives together, the animals have added a lot of chaos and fun but through it all we have stayed together. Fabulous trips peppered in adding adventure and experiences to it all. I am so grateful for the life we are building together. 

A Loving Kindness Meditation for us and all couples - 

May we be safe and healthy,

May we continue to grow in love, 

May we communicate kindly,

May we make time to connect daily,

May we create fun in every day,  

May we be each other’s best friend always,

May we live in peace and love.  

I love you. 

Nicaragua April 2017

20 years married is tuani! 

(Tuani is Nicaraguan slang for awesome!)