Susie Steiner

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Blue Bear

We tried to be a two dog family. It is easier to walk two dogs than three dogs. It is quieter, more balanced having two dogs. The problem was Shasta was a big presence. She wasn’t a little dog. She was a big beautiful dog with a very present loyal personality. She was always in whatever room we were in. She didn’t sneak off upstairs for a comfortable nap in a bed. She was by our side. Her death was a big loss for us.

I kept saying we can’t rush and try to replace Shasta. I kept telling the kids winter is the worst time to get a puppy. But it was me that spent way too much time on I started filling out applications at a couple rescues just in case. And then just like that there was a connection and a puppy we had to rescue. There just wasn’t a choice. The timing wasn’t perfect, but the match is perfect.

Jack and I were at a ski race so Sierra got the call that the puppy was ready to be picked up from Wright Way Rescue in Chicago. She made the drive with her dear friend. She looked at the litter of puppies and knew instantly which one was meant for us. And once again just like with Shasta; the puppy’s first night he spent sleeping by Sierra’s side with frequent trips to the potty pads. The hardest part was for Sierra to go back to college and leave Blue Bear behind. After Sierra left I had to step up and start setting a routine, do some kennel training and begin the potty training. The tip of putting the kennel in our bedroom made all the difference. And thankfully Blue Bear was easy on me and picked things up quick. He won our hearts pretty much instantly. It did take almost a full month for him to win Louie (the little Teddy Bear dog) over. Now they are best buds and love to romp. Sweet Pepper is patient with the boys and does her best to keep them in line.

So now we are back to a trio of dogs and it feels right. Humans relationships with dogs are truly remarkable connections. How we invite this other species into our homes, how we feed them, care for them, we let them sleep in our beds. It is quite amazing when you stop and think about it. All I know is we care for them and in return we receive so much from their loyalty, and their reliable joy upon every return home.

Blue Bear is part of our family and we are a better family with his addition.