Susie Steiner

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Inviting Pause

I love ideas, especially new ideas. I’m always in for a good brainstorming session. I’m good at starting things, it’s the finishing that I often find hard.

I had an idea to write a book of meditative poems paired with photography and essential oil blends. I thought it would be a fun project. I mentioned it to my talented friend Debbie Schaefer. We share a daily need for creativity in our lives. Her creativity has taken her on a beautiful photographic adventure. We started sharing poems and photography and this amazing synergy happened. It was like the best game of Memory because it was so easy to find a match between my poems and her photography. We had fun and then we got stuck.

We started this project two years ago. We couldn’t figure out how to get it into a format to print so it sat on our computers. We didn’t know how to finish it. And then COVID19 happened and we had a bit more time. I felt a strong need to finish the project. I reached out to Debbie and she was on board. And together we ran to the finish line and here it is self published and available on Amazon. It feels so good to hold it in my hand.

It is a reminder that ideas are good and when you see them to reality they are really good. It also feels particularly meaningful that we finished it now. Today more than ever we need to practice the skill of pausing so we can truly listen to each other and to our inner voice. When we pause we find peace, purpose and wisdom. When we pause we can choose kindness, compassion and love. We invite you to pause with us.

Thank you Debbie for your open kind heart, your eye for the beauty that is always present, and for never giving up.

Inviting Pause: When we PAUSE we find Peace, Purpose and Wisdom