Straining the Wellness Industry


The wellness industry is explosive right now and I am grateful that Young Living can be my strainer helping me navigate wellness. I am not sick. I don’t have any diagnosed ailments. Other than those given to me by my children, specifically “sometimers” as I do forgot things from time to time. I think my hormones are causing some havoc right now but I haven’t gotten around to doing the hormone panel blood test. I think my thyroid maybe a bit sluggish and who knows if my endocrine system is doing its job. And now with the explosion of the CBD industry I am wondering if my endocannabinoid system is healthy? All that being said, most days I feel pretty good. I’m tired when I don’t get enough sleep, I use Young Living Lavender essential oil and Sleep Essence when I need it to help me get sleep.

I try to eat “clean” though lately I’m trying not to try so hard and just enjoy food that tastes good to me and eat a lot of vegetables. I recently read this opinion article by Jessica Knoll titled; “Smash the Wellness Industry”. It really resonated with me. Jessica shares that she, “no longer defines food as whole or clean or sinful or a cheat. It has no moral value.“ When I read that statement I was embarrassed at how much moral value I had been giving food. And I realized it was time to let it all go. Jessica challenges women to go out to lunch and not talk about their bodies or diets. I am so in for that challenge. We need to let go of food being the vehicle to control our lives and let it be a source of joy, and nourishment. Instead of focusing on controlling what we eat, let’s control how we spend our time.

I don’t want to spend my time trying to navigate every new health trend or read every label of every product I bring into my house. We will continue to see more and more healthy products offered as the wellness industry is exploding! In 2015, it was valued at about 166.5 billion U.S. dollars and is expected to reach a staggering 179 billion U.S. dollars by 2020.

No wonder it can be overwhelming which is exactly why I value Young Living. I’ve been using their products for almost ten years now. I have met the owners, their executive team. I have walked their farm fields. I have watched their distillation process. They have an open door policy. Anyone can visit their fields and facilities. In an industry where there are pop up shops on every corner now selling essential oils and CBD oils, where there is a serious lack of transparency, I am more and more grateful that Young Living is my strainer. I am grateful that I don’t have to get a degree in science to understand the product labels of my household cleaners or personal products because I trust the seed to seal guarantee of Young Living. And now my family can benefit from the health benefits of CBD oil infused products because Young Living worked hard to find the best, the purest CBD oil.

Young Living is my wellness partner keeping me from being overwhelmed by an industry that is exploding for good reason. It is about time we realize that what we put in and on our body matters. What we clean our house with matters. It all matters and we can either be overwhelmed or we can commit to doing our best and partner with one of the pioneers of the wellness industry - Young Living. Let them do the hard work while we live our best life. If you haven’t already; sign up for Young Living with me. I am happy to support you on your wellness journey with Young Living as our partner. And right now seems like a really good time to get started with their Thieves starter kit.

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