A Mindful Cleanse


Mindfulness has become the range. It is defined as the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. Simply put it is being in the present moment. It is all too easy for us to be stuck in the past or worrying about the future. The practice of mindfulness helps us clear our mind and notice what is happening in the present moment. It takes practice to quiet the chatter of the mind but everyone can do it.  When we apply mindfulness to what we eat and how we spend out time it can be really impactful.


I was recently at a Young Living Empower educational event and the presenter shared some of the science behind the gut brain connection. She presented a three day cleanse with Young Living Products to help detoxify and balance the gut. When she said just 3 days can make a positive impact on gut health she had my attention. I promptly shared what I learned with my Young Living team. Just recently about 10 of us completed the Young Living three day cleanse. We all felt energized, but in full disclosure we didn’t all love the ICP drink. It kind of tastes like dirt, but I promise it gets easier and it is worth it. We were all able to maintain our regular activities while on the cleanse and were relieved that we didn’t have to run to the bathroom!  I was so surprised by how much energy I had during the cleanse. I felt light and fresh each day. My mind felt so clear, like a fog was lifted. I truly felt empowered by being mindful and truly aware what I ate and how I spent my time.


The thing that I think makes this cleanse so impactful is yes it does have a very restrictive protocol of eating and it does include taking Young Living supplements to balance the gut but what it also includes is daily meditation, reduced screen time, self care and sleep. I think it is all of these elements together that make it a mindful cleanse that is very impactful and worthwhile. I am so glad I did it. I realized healthy living isn’t really about restrictions, diets and willpower it is about cultivating a healthy mindset so that choosing the healthy option just becomes easy.  Follows are the details of the cleanse. If you are interested in doing it I am happy to be your cheerleader! 


There is a short book from Life Sciences, called Aroma Cleanse that has a lot of good information about cleansing. It does not have this particular protocol but it does have other cleanses featured and recipes.  

From the Aroma Cleanse book: 


“The Importance of Cleansing - As the body ages, there is a greater buildup of chemical contamination in our tissues. As toxins accumulate, the body is more likely to suffer the energy-robbing effects of poor health and degenerative diseases. This is why cleansing the body is so important. When the body is purging itself of heavy contamination, undigested foods, and internal pollution, it relieves enormous stress on the organs and tissues, immune function is enhanced and the stress on the liver is reduced. Cleansing helps with weight reduction and brings back creative energy, motivation, and vitality that are especially healing when suffering from degenerative diseases.”


Every couple years there is a new diet. We’ve gone from low fat to high fat and everything in between with the goal often being a magic number on a scale. I’m not a fan of this quest for a number on the scale. My goal is a healthy lifestyle I can maintain and that gives me tons of energy: especially creative energy!!! This cleanse did just that! I plan to do the cleanse for sure quarterly and possibly monthly. If you are interested in doing it with me let me know and I will help get you started!


Though Bergamot essential oil is not technically part of the protocol we recommend having it on hand as it can aid in the caffeine withdrawal headache symptoms by application to the temples. 

If you would like to order Young Living products for the cleanse please click here