Susie Steiner

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A Meditation for Jack and all Athletes

I recently recorded a meditation for athletes. It was inspired by a podcast I listened to from The Happiness Lab. On the podcast Dr. Santos discusses how Michael Phelps used meditation and visualization to achieve world records. Not only did he visualize himself winning; he also visualized himself working through adversity in competition such as; goggles filling with water. He demonstrates the power of the mind and how we can harness it for athletic and personal success through mindfulness, meditation and visualization.

Research confirms that mindfulness enhances athletic performance. It can actually help us get into flow. Don’t we all want to get to that state of flow.
“It turns out that athletes perform better when experiencing flow and that mindfulness meditation for athletes can help them experience flow. This is really good news for high-performance coaches and athletes.”

I dedicate this meditation to our son, Jack. Being an athlete is what makes Jack tick. He loves the challenge of improving athletic skills. I’m not sure he has a meditation practice yet, but I’m grateful he is open to it. My meditation practice helps me not get too attached to our children’s results in sports. Through meditation I have a new appreciation of the successes and failures. Both provide opportunities to grow.

Happy 15th Birthday Jack! Meditate with me :)

Susie Steiner Meditations