Stress Away


Sometimes the stress in our lives can overwhelm us making us feel stuck, tired or even sick. Through meditation we can shift our energy and move through our stress with love and kindness. Below is a link to a meditation I recorded inspired by Young Living Stress Away essential oil. It combines a grounding visualization with a loving kindness meditation.

Loving Kindness is a meditation practice of softening the heart and mind, developing an inclination toward love and kindness. It comes not out of obligation, but rather from a selfless place. The practice includes sending loving phrases to others and ourselves; by doing so we open our hearts and can live with more kindness.

Stress is very damaging to our physical and emotional bodies.  I hope the meditations I record helps connect us to our hearts to overcome stress in our lives. 

Let us enjoy the benefits of meditation with essential oils and reduce the stress in our lives. 


Click here and then select Stress Away from the list of meditations. 

To purchases Stress Away from me please click here.