Seven Meditation Inspirations


1. Essential Oils

A very simple and effective way to start a meditative practice is to pick an essential oil of choice, put a couple drops on your hand and breathe it in for five deep breaths and then just set your phone timer and sit quietly, let the thoughts come and go and just continue to focus on your breath in and out. Some essential oil blends that I love to use with meditation are Surrender, Present Time, Magnify your Purpose, Transformation, Believe and Frankincense.

Magnify Your Purpose, then Surrender, and be in the Present Time.

Magnify Your Purpose, then Surrender, and be in the Present Time.


2. Meditation Apps

If you are new to meditation, Headspace is a great app to start a practice. They have a free trial which is a great way to give it a try. If you like more variety the Insight Timer app is an amazing database of meditations. And of course, Utube is a great resource full of meditations.


3. Crystals

Reflect on what you want to focus on. What do you want to manifest in your life? What do you want to change in your life? Then use this guide to find crystals that are connected to that. Maybe you want to focus on more meaningful connections with friends, turquoise is a crystal that embodies friendship and connection, maybe you want to create more abundance in your life, citrine is known as a crystal of abundance. The crystal becomes a tool to help remind you of your intention, goals, and what you want to create in your life.


4. Community

Rooted in Mindfulness is a meditation center in Brookfield that provides opportunities to practice meditation through their drop-in sessions and their class offerings. Do some research and find a meditation center near you. Research meditation retreats. Yoga studios are often good places to look for meditation classes as well.


5. Books

There are many beautiful books that can inspire a meditative practice. Visit your local library or bookstore. Some of my personal favorites are The Book of Awakening, The Parents Tao Te Ching, The Surrender Experiment, and Peace is Every Step.


6. Space

It's nice to create a sanctuary, a space to sit down and take a few moments to yourself. That can be as simple as adding a meditation book, a crystal, or a favorite essential oil to a table next to a comfy chair. You could also collect some other things that are appealing and inspiring to you on a table. But don't get caught up in that stuff – start meditating right away. Things will happen naturally after that.


7. Nature 

Mindful walking is a valuable meditation skill. Mindful walking means walking in silence and noticing your toe and heel striking the ground, just focusing on your step. Mindful noticing is another meditation skill that is focused on noticing little things around you. It is a wonderful thing to do on a walk through a park.
