Lucky Louie

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I always wanted to write a book. I’m pretty sure that dream started when I was a little girl. My dad, my little brother and I wrote a book together on construction paper with magic markers. My mom came across the book recently and gave it to me.

I wish I could remember my dad sitting with Andy and I at the kitchen table writing it. I am so grateful for the tangible evidence.

My dad was behind the scenes encouraging us to write and draw. This was his drawing of a tree house in our story. He also built us an actual tree house one summer with a dolly and working windows with locks.


I love this page in the book with my writing on top and my dad’s on the bottom. I love how clear it is in the pages that it was a project we did together. I really love the beautiful example this is of creating and connecting.

Thirty years later, I decided to write another book with my children inspired by a real life event.


 We got my mom a puppy for her birthday. That event inspired me to write “Lucky Louie.”

Times have changed in the last 30 years. In retrospect, I wish we had sketched the book on construction paper with markers. Instead I wrote the book on my computer and the kids got to be the critical editors. It wasn’t the same creative connection my dad provided me but we had opportunities to connect throughout the process. It was really fun and exciting when we received the first sketches of the illustrations. The kids helped me send the edits and changes back. It was awesome to see the story come to life.

We also learned a life lesson on setting a goal and seeing it accomplished. The book was shelved for several months. I got overwhelmed by too many editors and too much feedback. I sent it out and it didn’t get picked up by the 10 publishers I sent it too. I thought that was it. I was rejected. Months later, I did some emotional work with essential oils. I released my fears and self-published it. I have learned a lot about the publishing process and plan to keep writing. I am very grateful to all my editors and encouragers. We all have stories to tell and I hope “Lucky Louie” inspires you to share one of your stories. Because when we share our stories we create endless opportunities to connect.


“Lucky Louie” is for sale at our local book store in Oconomowoc, Books and Company, and on Amazon.