A Seashell Pause

Mount MaunganuI, NZ - Dec 2018

Mount MaunganuI, NZ - Dec 2018

Seashells provide us with a simple way to pause in our life while walking on the beach. But shell collecting can become a pursuit of accumulation if we get lost in filling our pockets and bags with as many shells as we can. The challenge is to notice and collect a few shells. The opportunity is to sift, organize and pick out favorites. And then treasure the favorites, hold them, notice them, keep them forever. Sea shells provide us a great life lesson on sorting, sifting and treasuring in our own lives. 

My mom recently shared with me a classic book written in 1955, A Gift from the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. I am in awe that this sweet little book that was written 64 years ago could resonate so deeply with me today. Lindbergh beautifully captures life lessons through her reflections about sea shells she’s collected. She reflects on her life values and realizations while taking some time away from her daily life at the beach. She shares the importance of solitude, of creativity, the value of truly knowing yourself. And the importance of sifting in life. I think today more than ever we have glorified being busy. Lindbergh recognized 64 years ago the pitfalls of business. In 1975 Lindbergh reflected on her bestseller and how though much has changed since she wrote the book, there is still a need to pause, look inward, reflect, and be alone. And sea shells provide a beautiful opportunity to do that. When we find opportunities to pause in life we stop the momentum and then we can choose how to move foreword. Finding moments to pause in life is certainly not a new idea, rather a timeless little piece of wisdom, a gift. 


And sea shells also provide a wonderful opportunity for creativity. 
