Young Living Inspired Meditations - Surrender

I am happy to announce the launch of our Young Living essential oil inspired meditation series with Meg Michaelson. Every week we will post a meditation that is inspired by a YL essential oil.

My journey with Young Living lead me on a path of health and wellness that has included personal development and reflection. Young Living is about so much more than products. It is a community of people that are constantly learning and encouraging each other to live their best lives. Through this process of self development and reflection I found meditation and it truly has changed my life. It has been the very necessary pause button in life that I need. I have been using essential oils through out my meditation journey and through the encouragement of dear friends I am now brave enough to share with you my meditations inspired by Young Living essential oils. If you have the essential oil pull it out and use it and if you don’t that is ok, grab any essential oil you have and enjoy hitting pause with me. I hope by sharing I am a ripple of peace.


I chose the Surrender blend for my first meditation because I believe when we surrender to the flow of life, magic happens. The greatest lesson I have learned in my meditation practice is the true understanding and appreciation that everything in life ebbs and flows. Nothing is permanent. When we can release trying to control, we can truly be present, be happy, be sad and everything in between surrendering to the beauty of life.

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